Friday, July 3, 2020

Chapter 55....Ya Just Never Know...
...October 10, 2019.  I got a fast ride in this pretty truck.  

Two weeks after returning from a multi-thousand trip with Vinny II, I took my Gold Wing for a spin and met my good friend and fellow RV and motorcycle guy, Ron for lunch.
...the Gold Wing.
...Ron arriving on his Hardly...

Lunch was terrific!  

An hour later, I lost the entire lunch and apparently some meal from an earlier month all over my brick driveway at home.  I simply didn’t feel well at all.  A quick shower and a few minutes in the pool made everything better.

As I sat on the edge of the our bed preparing for a restful afternoon nap, an invisible sniper placed three perfect shots (felt like .50 caliber) into my chest.  I think he soaked the bullets in napalm and lit them before firing.  

Yes, dear reader, I was having a massive, massive heart attack.  No matter what you’ve heard, it ain’t fun to have one of these.  

Leslie called 911 and the above Collier County ambulance came and whisked me aboard and proceeded to Naples Community Hospital (NCH).  I died during the 11 mile trip. They jolted me back into consciousness.  I died on the OR table.  Same thing, they got me back.

Very long story shortened for the reader:  I had endured what they call a Widow Maker heart attack.  Most people (88%) die from this.  

I’m still here but dramatically weakened from the experience.  I decide that I need a therapy dog. Rocky Junior aka RJ...

And so 10 days after the great ambulance ride, RJ and I began our life long adventure together.  He became a Daddy’s boy immediately.
...always near his Dad...

With the loving care of my newly enlarged family I healed quickly, and set about the serious business of finding us a proper sized coach for our 2020 travels.

Smack dab in the middle of the great COVID-19 hysteria I’m searching for the motor coach of our dreams.  No crowds at the RV place since apparently most people are out shopping for toilet paper.  

With the able and most knowledgeable assistance of a remarkable set of Double D’s we find our new luxury coach.  And get your mind out of the gutter...Double D’s is none other than the famous “Diesel Dan” Cutting from North Trail RV Center.

DD hooks us up with an unsold 2019 Newmar London Aire with a 605 hp Cummins Diesel engine.  She is 45 feet long.  We call her the Queen to honor my Aunt Iris who passed away in April, 2020.  Dan likes us so much, he practically gives us the new coach so that he can get our Vinny II as a trade in.  

DD even took us around in his golf cart
... Queen Iris II, aka QI 2,  aka the Queen...

Much more to follow...

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