Friday, July 3, 2020

Chapter 15. But, I Don't Wanna Go

On Cinco de Mayo, we went north, but only as far as the Lazy Days RV Center in Tampa.  We stayed overnight in order to be on time for our early morning appointment to have the Beast properly weighed, measuring the weight at all six wheel positions.  This was so we could properly inflate the ginormous tires both for SAFETY and Driveability.  The Captain knew they were overinflated, but had no idea by how much. 

Lazy Days in Seffner, FL. (Tampa area). This place is H. U. G. E. 

Weighing all three axles on each side of the axle.  (Six total weights).

All tires were 15 or more pounds overinflated.  The Captain had driven from Texas to the Maryland shore, then onward to southwest Florida in this condition.  Frankly the coach was somewhat difficult to drive, but given your humble Captain's meager experience in driving diesel pushers, he didn't realize that they really aren't hard to drive when all tires are properly inflated.

The drive north to Hilton Head Island, SC was so much better.  Wow.  So this is how it should feel...

Hilton Head Island RV Resort...genteel southern charm  

Like it or not, the Captain had to quit dawdling, put on his Big Boy pants, behave like an adult, and finally go home to Maryland.  That, of course meant moving from our beloved coach, the Beast aka our Baby to more conventional quarters, namely, THE HOUSE.

THE HOUSE.  This picture was taken by a neighbor's drone, after days of labor from your tired ole Captain.  Chores already done so and clean pool, power wash deck, clean and wax the boat, place outdoor furniture outdoors, etc.  Put pontoon boat in the water, also.  Repaired burst pipes from winter freeze.  (Tell me again why people live in Maryland????)

Now we are ready for summer...

Tune in for more Travels With The Captain as we "do" summer in Ocean City, MD

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