Friday, July 3, 2020

Chapter 14. The Voyage Continues

When last we spoke, you learned that your courageous Captain and crew had successfully penetrated a large and growing Atlantic storm, arrived safely in St. Augustine, refueled the boat, consumed copious quantities of God's own elixir the now infamous GOOMBAY SMASH. and conked out aboard the trusty Riviera Yacht.  Surely your curiosity compels you to learn more of the voyage...?

Before further regaling you, Dear Reader, you need to meet the crew, consisting of long time best friend and fellow 100 Ton US Merchant Marine Master, Captain Jimmy H.

Best friend for over 30 years, fellow captain, drinking buddy, etc., etc. The venerable Jimmy H

Upon reflection, one can only conclude that such a friendship is inevitable conclusion of an ill-spent youth.  Your Intrepid Captain had so much potential, but was led astray...

Ok, that out of the way, we continue the voyage...

Cooper River Bridge greets us as we quietly drift into Charleston Harbor.

Dawn departure from Charleston, SC on April 1.  Looks like we are in for a great ride.  Your Captain loves this time of day!  

You may wonder why there was no entry covering the voyage from St. Augustine to Charleston.  As you might imagine, it was a long day, but totally routine in every way.

And so northward we trek...

This shot shows the next sunrise as we depart Oriental, NC and navigate  north toward Pamlico Sound.  The water on this Sound is shallow and often quite rough.  This day was no exception.  Breakfast preparation consisted largely of the able crew throwing a cold bagel up from the galley.  ( as you can see, Captain Jimmy is a wizard in the kitchen).  

Since this is our last day at sea, I'll show a few sights along the way.

As we approach the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay, we move in closer to shore.  Here were passing Virginia Beach on our port side.  (Ocean City , MD is a much more fun place, and infinitely prettier).

 Onward to Annapolis...

Mid-Chesapeake Bay.  We pass a tall ship nearing Solomons Island.  Since Captain Jimmy lives here, he wants to be dropped off here.  Ha Ha.  He can be hilarious at times.  What, Jimmy?  You're NOT kidding? Oh chuck you, Farley, we ain't stoppin' 'til the job is done.  This means you, Jimmy.  What did you say?  That's awfully close to mutinous talk....

Since you didn't read in the Maritime Trade papers of the resurrection of "walking the plank" as the ultimate disciplinary tactic, you may safely assume that both the Yacht and Captain Jimmy were both delivered intact to Annapolis, MD.

April 4, 2014

The Captain is back with his clan in Naples, and enjoys an evening out with far prettier company than he has had recently ( in other words, Captain Jimmy).

Nina, Marilyn, and Leslie.  These woman are beyond gorgeous.  

You've already met Nina ( 9 a clock), and Leslie.  Here you meet our Canadian beauty, and great buddy Marilyn.  Her husband, Vaughn has to remain in Canada to oversee his business, so we like to have Marilyn join us when we leave Pelican Lake.

(As you may already have determined, the life of your humble Captain is not an easy one!)


Your narrator has been looking for the right time to show you this.  Above is Marco Island.  

Marco is about 5 miles from Pelican Lake Motorcoach Resort. 

If Dear Reader has remained mindful of the dates discussed herein, he or she will realize that the time draws nigh for Captain, Commodorable, and puppies to pack up the coach and begin the trek back to Ocean City, MD.  We'll briefly cover that in the next installment...

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