Quite simply, we needed to learn and test out all the features of the Queen. What better place to do that than our old haunt PELICAN LAKE. This place is beyond gorgeous!!
PELICAN LAKE, Naples, Florida.
Your Captain made an appeal on Facebook for a friendly lot owner at Pelican Lake to let us use an unrented lot here for a few days as we sort out the new toy. Several owners stepped up and we accepted John Carroll’s gracious offer.
Remember when I told you that DD and his team at North Trail RV Center had detailed the Queen so beautifully? Well, as we pulled onto I-75 southbound, it rained a Noah’s Ark level of precipitation, and continued unabated until our drenched arrival at our test site. So much for impressing with our shiny London Aire.
I’ll make this short. Nothing happened, Coach-wise. What did happen is that our good friends Barbara and Richard came by with house warming champagne. We drank it. All of it.
Next, other good friends Jenny and Tom came by to see our new digs. You may remember that we visited them last year in Wisconsin.
After that, we enjoyed a great visit with our friend Pelican Lake and California resident Louise. Lou is British and talks funny. For example, she claims to enjoy doncing which I think is British for DANCING. I don’t really know, so I guess at it.
The beautiful, British invader, Louise.
All in all, the Queen passed with flying colors. Also, it rained all weekend long. The Queen did not leak.
On Monday, we moved the Queen to her new castle, an air conditioned storage barn only 3 miles from our house.
The Castle.
Snugly secured, the Queen slept while we went home. Little did we know that one of our multitude of battery groups was not being charged. We also did not know that the electric bank used for the central lock and alarm system was, you guessed it...the bank which was not being charged.
A frantic call to DD resulted in him actually driving nearly two hours round trip just to unlock our stubborn door. Stubborn because it needed electricity which we did not have. That kind of client service is unheard of these days.
These issues resolved, we returned home to plan our first real trip... namely to Key West, Florida’s little center of let it all hang out.
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